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Louise, thank you for sharing in today's post about your weekend. I love my job with all my heart and it requires focus and control because of its intensity. And as one on the spiritual path, my goals are to practice presence and acceptance of whatever is arising for me emotionally - and to stay with the feelings, not try to repress or bypass or numb out. To witness with compassion and be less judgmental toward myself. Not easy, but that's the task before me where I am currently in my life journey. I embrace it willingly and am finally at a place in my emotional healing where I can start practicing that with joy. And yet, sometimes I need to indulge...whether it be drinking alcohol or binging Netflix. Both can be a form of strange therapy though my ego does not want to admit it and prefers shame/guilt. I am working on acceptance and somehow your sharing caught me at just the right moment I always enjoy your writing but particular thanks for today's submission. I needed to be reminded that's it's okay to be human and let go of my otherwise higher standards (which serve me well and which I choose to do with glad intention). Thanks so much for sharing your passion and insights with us. Peace and Every Good, Karen. P.S. Someday I will become a paid subscriber, I promise :) In the meantime, blessings for your generosity...

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